Voters May Think It’s ‘Time to Turn the Page’ on Trump


  • Fox News host Laura Ingraham expressed doubt over whether voters are ready to back Trump in 2024.
  • A vocal Trump supporter, Ingraham said voters are “exhausted” by the “constant battle” in politics.
  • She said Americans may instead turn to a GOP candidate who follows Trump’s style of policy.

Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on Monday that American voters are “exhausted” from political conflict and might believe it’s “time to turn the page” on former President Donald Trump if he runs for the White House in 2024.

While Ingraham still spoke in favor of Trump’s policies and defended his decisions, the longtime vocal supporter of the former president signaled some doubt about whether Republican voters would choose Trump in favor of another strong GOP candidate.

“People conflate Trump with people’s overall sense of happiness in the country. Donald Trump’s been a friend of mine for 25 years, and I’m always very open about this on my show,” Ingraham said on a podcast hosted by Lisa Boothe, a Fox News contributor.

“But, you know, we’ll see whether that’s what the country wants,” Ingraham continued. “The country, I think, is so exhausted — they’re exhausted by the battle, the constant battle — that they may believe that, well, maybe it’s time to turn the page if we can get someone who has all of Trump’s policies, who’s not Trump.”

Ingraham said that Trump’s political views — not the man himself — were at the heart of his political opponents’ stance.

“The other problem is that it’s really not about Trump, right? This is about the views that Trump now brought to the floor for the Republican Party,” Ingraham said.

The Fox News host accused left-wing proponents of thinking that “the American way of life is immoral,” which is in line with the typcial right-wing and pro-Trump rhetoric that many traditional customs and values in the US are under attack by liberals.

“It really doesn’t matter in the end, whether it’s Trump making a populist conservative point or whether it’s DeSantis or someone like him, they’re going to come full bore against any Republican,” Ingraham said, referring to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Ingraham has continually voiced her support for Trump’s policies, which she has often praised for being “pro-America.” However, she’s stopped short of declaring that she would back Trump should he run for president in 2024.

“I’m not saying I’m there for him yet,” she said in January when asked if she would support Trump, who has hinted at but not declared that he will be entering the race.

DeSantis, whom Ingraham mentioned in her podcast appearance, has also declined to confirm if he would run for president in 2024 amid speculation that he would emerge as one of the GOP’s frontrunners.


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